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Natural Resources Management

The 21st century has woken us up to the reality that our planet of infinite riches is in fact finite and vulnerable. Natural gas, water, minerals, forests, fish, the very air we breathe – all are subject to the vagaries of human desires and government policy.  We urgently need dialogue on every aspect of maximizing our limited resources, including how gender factors in, the role of corporations, and traditional vs. modern management systems.

© Silas N. Ngahane/ GlobalDev
  • 06 July 2020
  • Post by Multiple
Covid-19 and the food crisis in Bangladesh: a proposal for action

Many poor people in developing countries are facing food shortages as a result of the pandemic and the policy response. This column outlines what can...

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  • 18 November 2019
  • Post by Multiple
Natural resource discoveries: information campaigns for local communities

How can the interests of local communities be protected when valuable natural resources are discovered where they live? This column reports evidence...

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  • 10 December 2018
  • Post by Multiple
Commodity price busts: the need for greater banking sector resilience

What role do banks play in exacerbating or ameliorating the negative impact of falling commodity prices on developing countries? This column reports...

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  • 25 July 2018
  • Post by Multiple
Economic policy choices for natural resource suppliers: Australian evidence

A booming natural resources sector can often have adverse consequences for the national economy. This column reports research evidence from the...

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  • 04 July 2018
  • Post by Herslund, Lise Byskov
Towards water-resilient cities in Africa

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relating to urban areas state that everybody has the right to a life with clean water, modern...

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  • 27 June 2018
  • Post by Rylance, Andrew
Financing conservation: making the business case for protected areas

The geographical spread of protected areas across the planet has increased in recent years as part of global efforts to support biological diversity...

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  • 17 May 2018
  • Post by Multiple
Artisanal mines: potentially positive effects on local living standards

Perhaps as much as 4% of the world’s population depends directly on artisanal mines, which produce around 20% of the minerals we use. This column...

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  • 19 April 2018
  • Post by Khan,Yasmin
Refugees and environmental fragility: the Rohingya in Bangladesh

For Rohingya refugees living in the Cox’s Bazar area of Bangladesh, the only access to cooking fuel has been the national forest beside which they...

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  • 05 April 2018
  • Post by Furman, Eeva
Integrating ecosystem services into land, water and urban management

How should local communities think about the role of ecosystem services in supporting human wellbeing, particularly in the face of climate change and...

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  • 19 February 2018
  • Post by Oehler-Sincai, Iulia Monica
Should China’s Belt and Road initiative cross the poles?

China’s Belt and Road initiative seeks to promote connectivity and cooperation between countries, regions and continents. This column outlines some...

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