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  • 15 Nov 2021
  • By: Multiple
More women in the labor market: the uncertain impact on equality

Does gender equality in labor market participation bring real equality? This column reports evidence that in some...

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  • 08 Nov 2021
  • By: Multiple
Will e-commerce revive Bangladesh’s artisanal economy?

How does a nation participate in the digital creative economy centered on individual entrepreneurship while...

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  • 01 Nov 2021
  • By: Berahab, Rim
Decarbonizing the economy: a view from the South

How can the world achieve higher levels of decarbonization without compromising economic development? This column...

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  • 25 Oct 2021
  • By: Multiple
Gender inequality in Chad and the impact of Covid-19

In Chad, only half of women participate in the labor force in contrast with nearly three-quarters of men. As this...

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  • 18 Oct 2021
  • By: Girard, Victoire
Affirmative action: a powerful policy tool at risk of backlash

Affirmative action is a widely used policy tool, effective for increasing the voice and opportunities of members of...

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  • 11 Oct 2021
  • By: Multiple
Cash transfers and children’s wellbeing: should the money go to mom or dad?

Giving women more power within households has long been considered a way to improve children’s wellbeing – but do...

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