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Hundreds of millions of people are on the move. There are probably as many misconceptions about migrants as there are migrants. We aim to curate an informed discussion on research that shows the multifaceted reality of migration. Asylum seekers, students, workers seeking better conditions, refugees…the baggage they carry, the barriers they face, the effect their movement has on the homes they leave and the homes they seek are among the most urgent questions of our time.

© Gijs Van den Broeck/ GlobalDev
  • 26 July 2021
  • Post by Multiple
Intentions of Gambian youth to migrate to Europe: effects of Covid-19

Given the vast income differences between Africa and Europe, there are powerful incentives for migration even by irregular, costly, and potentially...

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  • 15 April 2020
  • Post by Multiple
Migrant workers in the Covid-19 pandemic

Millions of migrant workers around the world provide valuable income for their families as well as contributing more broadly to the economies of both...

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  • 13 May 2019
  • Post by Multiple
Migration: evidence from Mexico of the effects on sending countries

What happens to developing countries with large numbers of emigrants? While debates about migration typically center on receiving countries’ labor...

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  • 12 November 2018
  • Post by Lazer, Leah
Africa's urban future: the policy agenda for national governments

Sustainable economic development in sub-Saharan Africa will only be possible if towns and cities across the region thrive. This column highlights the...

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  • 23 May 2018
  • Post by Multiple
Rising temperatures: the impact on employment and migration in rural Mexico

Climate scientists predict that the number of extreme heat days will increase in many parts of the developing world. This column reports research...

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  • 14 May 2018
  • Post by Moniruzzaman, Mohammad
Migration’s resource backwash: why sending households do not always gain

The value of remittances sent by migrant workers back to their native countries is widely recognized. Far less appreciated is the ‘resource backwash...

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  • 19 April 2018
  • Post by Khan,Yasmin
Refugees and environmental fragility: the Rohingya in Bangladesh

For Rohingya refugees living in the Cox’s Bazar area of Bangladesh, the only access to cooking fuel has been the national forest beside which they...

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  • 12 April 2018
  • Post by Berry, John W.
Successful intercultural relations: how shall we all live together?

What is the key to achieving more positive intercultural relationships? Drawing on research evidence from 17 culturally plural societies, this column...

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  • 19 March 2018
  • Post by Flores Castillo, Mariana
Solidarity communities: the people who help migrants through Mexico

For many people in Mexico, contact with migrants in transit to the United States is part of their everyday lives. This column describes some of the...

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  • 28 February 2018
  • Post by Moniruzzaman, Mohammad
Food security in megacities: climate migration and informal food systems

As people in developing countries continue to crowd into megacities, sometimes as a result of climate-related migration, the risk of food insecurity...

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"Today’s development research mixes scientific endeavor with technical advocacy. Scholars are encouraged to contribute research-based solutions to development challenges, and are expected to distill recommendations from their analysis and evidence. They are also advised to communicate the implications of their findings in ways that can reach policy-makers and practitioners most effectively, and then demonstrate their impact on decisions and outcomes."

By Founding Editors , "Editorial – Mobilizing development research to address global challenges"


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