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The world is getting smaller. Economic, social and political ties that bind us together are stronger than ever. Trade, communication, migration, policy transfers, North-South and South-South politics, media, the Internet, the movement of money, art, and knowledge – we live in an age where every human being is connected in myriad ways to far-flung people and systems. In the 21st century, rigorous and thoughtful research and analysis are essential to understand the way forward in every realm.

Public Domain
  • 20 September 2021
  • Post by McGee, Rosie
Navigating civic space in times of crisis: Mozambique, Nigeria, and Pakistan

Some governments are taking advantage of the Covid-19 crisis to abuse their powers, restrict freedoms, suppress critical voices, and accelerate anti-...

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  • 07 December 2020
  • Post by Multiple
Resolving conflict in the time of Covid-19: the roles of China and the West

Development aid has been a key area in which China has expanded its global influence over the last decade. This column explores China’s potential...

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  • 27 July 2020
  • Post by Multiple
Beyond lockdown: rebuilding the social contract

Continued lockdown measures are straining the social contract between citizens and governments. As this column explains, in contexts where there are...

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  • 13 July 2020
  • Post by Ismail, Ghida
Time to rethink street vending: lessons from Uganda

The Covid-19 crisis has exposed the vulnerabilities of the working poor in urban settings in developing countries. This column combines insights from...

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  • 06 July 2020
  • Post by Multiple
Covid-19 and the food crisis in Bangladesh: a proposal for action

Many poor people in developing countries are facing food shortages as a result of the pandemic and the policy response. This column outlines what can...

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  • 28 June 2020
  • Post by Passey, Megan
Tackling child labor by raising incomes: does it work?

Income changes can have important consequences for farming communities, including on the prevalence of child labor. What’s more, the link is complex...

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  • 11 May 2020
  • Post by Multiple
When globalization empowers women: evidence from Myanmar

How does a substantial improvement in labor market opportunities for women affect their bargaining power within the household? This column reports...

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  • 13 April 2020
  • Post by Fan, Shenggen
Panic could cause a global food crisis under Covid-19

One potentially disastrous outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic would be a global food crisis. This column by the former Director General of the...

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  • 06 April 2020
  • Post by Multiple
How South African firms can compete with Chinese imports

Many policy-makers in middle-income countries worry that imports from China might undermine their efforts to develop robust manufacturing sectors...

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  • 23 March 2020
  • Post by Copeland, Conrad
Trade in Africa: formal barriers, informal networks, and global prospects

The African Continental Free Trade Agreement, which was signed in 2018, aims to give a significant boost to trade within the continent. This column...

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Our editorial line

"Today’s development research mixes scientific endeavor with technical advocacy. Scholars are encouraged to contribute research-based solutions to development challenges, and are expected to distill recommendations from their analysis and evidence. They are also advised to communicate the implications of their findings in ways that can reach policy-makers and practitioners most effectively, and then demonstrate their impact on decisions and outcomes."

By Founding Editors , "Editorial – Mobilizing development research to address global challenges"


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