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The world must eat. With 7.6 billion mouths to feed, growing the right food in a sustainable manner is literally a life-and-death matter. What if the monsoon fails? Is monoculture better than varying crops? Who should control pricing? Is genetic tinkering the problem or the solution? What to grow, how to grow it, how to get it where it needs to go – every aspect of agriculture has urgent questions requiring informed answers. 

© Moniruzzaman Sazal/ GlobalDev
  • 05 April 2021
  • Post by Multiple
Land markets, social norms, and prospects for agricultural development

Sub-Saharan Africa has a problem of persistently low agricultural productivity. Land reforms are a common policy for boosting productivity, as they...

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  • 01 March 2021
  • Post by Dyer, Julian
Farm security: an essential component of agricultural development

The productivity of smallholder farmers in developing countries is hindered by the considerable insecurity that they face in terms of both informal...

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  • 11 February 2020
  • Post by Mapanje, Olga
Climate information services for farmers: lessons from research

This blog is part of a series organised in conjunction with the 19th global development conference. Providing climate information services to...

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  • 13 October 2019
  • Post by Pietrobon, Davide
Agricultural input subsidies, informal insurance, and farmers’ wellbeing

Many developing countries support their farmers by subsidizing fertilizer to improve crop yields. This column explores what factors constrain...

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  • 18 August 2019
  • Post by Multiple
Insecure land tenure: the impact on farmers’ investment decision-making

How can poor farmers be encouraged to make the investments that will lift them out of poverty? This column reports evidence that while greater...

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  • 06 January 2019
  • Post by Jayne, Thomas
Agricultural transformation in Africa: opportunities and challenges

Rapid agricultural growth underpins much of Africa’s recent economic achievements. But continued reliance on expansion of cultivated area is not a...

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  • 22 October 2018
  • Post by Multiple
Climate-smart fisheries: a business model worth replicating

New ways of doing business offer an opportunity to address the natural and man-made challenges that threaten local livelihoods in developing...

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  • 11 July 2018
  • Post by Multiple
Promoting more efficient agriculture: legal form of Slovakian farms

What can be done to encourage agricultural enterprises to become more productive? This column reports research showing that a shift of legal form...

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  • 16 April 2018
  • Post by Multiple
When adapting to climate change makes things worse: Peru’s experience

Climate change is leading to unusually high temperatures during the growing season in many parts of the world. This column reports research on the...

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  • 09 April 2018
  • Post by Elueze, Isioma
Improving agricultural policy through greater use of research evidence

Knowledge from research can enhance agricultural policy-making and strengthen national agriculture systems. But as this column explains, it can be a...

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