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Hundreds of millions of people are on the move. There are probably as many misconceptions about migrants as there are migrants. We aim to curate an informed discussion on research that shows the multifaceted reality of migration. Asylum seekers, students, workers seeking better conditions, refugees…the baggage they carry, the barriers they face, the effect their movement has on the homes they leave and the homes they seek are among the most urgent questions of our time.

© Gijs Van den Broeck/ GlobalDev
  • 23 February 2018
  • Post by Tan, Yan
Diasporas and development

People living outside their country of birth can play an important role in the economic development of their countries of origin. But as this column...

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  • 15 February 2018
  • Post by Khan,Yasmin
Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh: a trapped population seeking food security

Over a million Rohingya refugees are living in Bangladesh. Some have been there for 40 years since the first major influx in 1978; many more have...

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  • 08 February 2018
  • Post by McLeman, Robert
Sensible migration policy for a climate-disrupted world

There is a growing risk that millions of people around the world will be forced to migrate because of rising sea levels and other impacts of climate...

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Our editorial line

"Today’s development research mixes scientific endeavor with technical advocacy. Scholars are encouraged to contribute research-based solutions to development challenges, and are expected to distill recommendations from their analysis and evidence. They are also advised to communicate the implications of their findings in ways that can reach policy-makers and practitioners most effectively, and then demonstrate their impact on decisions and outcomes."

By Founding Editors , "Editorial – Mobilizing development research to address global challenges"


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