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Mental Health and Development

According to the World Health Organization, “one in four people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives.” Nonetheless, little attention is given by development practitioners to mental health. What are the economic consequences of mental disorders? How does poverty affect cognitive abilities? How do we overcome treatment gaps? These are some of the questions this blog series will aim to address.

© GlobalDev GDN
  • 01 February 2021
  • Post by Multiple
Mental health costs of lockdowns: evidence from curfews in Turkey

Addressing the Covid-19 crisis with lockdowns and restricted mobility policies is effective for reducing the spread of the virus, but it might also...

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  • 16 March 2020
  • Post by Betancourt, Theresa S.
Evidence-based mental health interventions in post-conflict countries

Young people exposed to trauma and loss can develop lasting problems with mental health and day-to-day functioning. This column outlines the...

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  • 17 February 2020
  • Post by Lund, Crick
Mental health and the Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, mental health was included in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This column argues that if we are going to achieve a substantial...

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  • 29 April 2019
  • Post by Multiple
Mental health challenges of development and the environment

Mental health disorders should be a first order concern for development practitioners, particularly as they disproportionately affect the most...

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Our editorial line

"Today’s development research mixes scientific endeavor with technical advocacy. Scholars are encouraged to contribute research-based solutions to development challenges, and are expected to distill recommendations from their analysis and evidence. They are also advised to communicate the implications of their findings in ways that can reach policy-makers and practitioners most effectively, and then demonstrate their impact on decisions and outcomes."

By Founding Editors , "Editorial – Mobilizing development research to address global challenges"


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