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From pandemics that sweep the globe to one baby in one village getting a life-saving drink of clean water, human health is a web of local and global connections. Sensible and timely policy requires asking the correct questions, and sharing the answers. Human and planetary health are intimately linked, and we hope to bring those links to light by connecting voices and bringing attention to issues ranging from the best way to set up a medical supply chain to the pros and cons of harm reduction policies.

  • 27 April 2020
  • Post by Multiple
Bolstering public health initiatives by promoting gender equality

A growing body of evidence suggests that legislation and government programs to promote gender equality can be effective tools for improving public...

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  • 20 April 2020
  • Post by Multiple
Shocks and economic disruption: Networks, insurance, and propagation

How might the economic consequences of the global pandemic spread through an economy? This column reports evidence from a household survey of village...

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  • 15 April 2020
  • Post by Multiple
Migrant workers in the Covid-19 pandemic

Millions of migrant workers around the world provide valuable income for their families as well as contributing more broadly to the economies of both...

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  • 13 April 2020
  • Post by Fan, Shenggen
Panic could cause a global food crisis under Covid-19

One potentially disastrous outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic would be a global food crisis. This column by the former Director General of the...

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  • 08 April 2020
  • Post by Multiple
The high costs of strict lockdown policies in poor countries

In response to the coronavirus crisis, most governments are imposing lockdowns and stopping all but the supposedly most essential economic activities...

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  • 05 November 2018
  • Post by Multiple
Promoting healthier diets in African cities

Diet-related non-communicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and stroke account for a third of all deaths and half of all hospital admissions in...

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  • 06 August 2018
  • Post by Multiple
Lower child mortality: a boost to women’s labor market opportunities

Public investments in reducing child mortality may encourage women into greater economic activity. That is the implication of research reported in...

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  • 01 August 2018
  • Post by Bennett, Daniel
Traditional medicine and the response to health information campaigns

Providing information is a way to influence health behaviour, but traditional medical beliefs may hamper learning about hygiene and other ways to...

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  • 20 June 2018
  • Post by Geruso, Michael
Open defecation, anaemia, and the challenges of improving sanitation

Open defecation, which remains common in India, has many costly and terrible consequences for human health. These include anaemia, which was...

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  • 13 June 2018
  • Post by Georgiadis, Andreas
Promoting better nutrition for adolescent girls in poor countries

Millions of children in poor countries are of low height for their age because of inadequate nutrition. But when in a child’s life should scarce...

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Our editorial line

"Today’s development research mixes scientific endeavor with technical advocacy. Scholars are encouraged to contribute research-based solutions to development challenges, and are expected to distill recommendations from their analysis and evidence. They are also advised to communicate the implications of their findings in ways that can reach policy-makers and practitioners most effectively, and then demonstrate their impact on decisions and outcomes."

By Founding Editors , "Editorial – Mobilizing development research to address global challenges"


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