About Us
Research does not exist in a vacuum. At GlobalDev we believe that good research makes a difference to development. Solid research does more than advance academic debates. It points to new ideas, different perspectives, alternative options and solutions for the world's most pressing issues. We aim to better connect those who plan and act out in the world with those who study it. We are looking for academic authors who want to show how their knowledge and their work speaks to the concerns and objectives of decision makers, development institutions, and people. We want to hear what difference your research makes for development action.
We want to maintain the highest standards of rigour and accuracy, our blogs are not meant to be either research articles or opinion pieces. We would like authors to single out an urgent development challenge, and illustrate what you have learnt from the research in your field, including yours, about how to address it. Tell us what you know; and tell us what it means for development action.
We are lucky to have a distinguished editorial team. All pieces will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee. All accepted content will be translated and published in English, Spanish and French.
GlobalDev developed with support from the Global Development Network, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other development partners. We aim to catalyze policy-relevant and research-based knowledge, building momentum for change.
Confirm your interest by emailing our editorial team at editors.globaldevblog@gdn.int!
Meet Advisory Board and Editorial Team
The Founding Editors |
The Advisory Board |
Rabah Arezki |
Arjun Appadurai |
Pierre Jacquet |
Bertrand Badré |
Francesco Obino |
Alan Gelb |
The Blog Secretariat |
Nancy Birdsall Patrick Bolton |
Stephania Cajero Callejas, Associate Junior Editor |
Jeffrey Frankel |
Catherine Otayek, Junior Editor |
Gargee Gosh |
Romesh Vaitilingam, Senior Editor |
Helen Milner |
Inge Kaul |
Prakash Loungani |
Rohinton Medhora |
Mustapha Kamel Nabli |
John Page |
Charles Sabel |
Saskia Sassen |
Lemma Senbet |
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